Nice to meet you, This is Vessel Mizuho Shard.
Maybe you know me as a HS Black T-shirt User. (See more http://twitpic.com/2x6dav )
Today, I got one book near the Luna Moon gate in Mizuho. It is claiming to use EM forum as feedback to EA members.
And It says EA members want direct feedback from Japanese users. So I write down some topic as a Direct Japanese user feedback;
1.Question. Do YOU need direct feedback only via UOSS?
The book says "Japanese player's Voice has not reached developers in USA up to now. So, we should use UOSS EM forrum as a feedback system"
I feed it is strange.
YOU EA USA members can't catch up our voice via EAJ, can you?
Are you EA Members directing it to use UOSS for your subordinate as a feedback forum?
EM forum is just only EM forum. we should use it to talk about EM Event. Don't you think so?
If you want to chatch up Japanese users voice in UOSS, You should ask UOSS team to make feedback forum. AND we Japanese users should feedback with English in UOSS.
UOSS is forum. we can talk with EVERY UO players sometimes disscuss in here. If only Claim no discussion, we don't need use UOSS.... Send some message to you. It is enough.
EM is Event moderator. NOT Translater. I wonder why they act Transrator in UOSS. If they have enough time to transrate.... They should run EM event much more!
2.EM event Quality.
Toooooo rough.
I wonder YOU EA Members know their event results and Players feeling. It's just only my feeling (See http://hibimousou.blogspot.com/2011/07/blog-post.html). If you want to read this post, Please ask EM or EAJ to translate.
Simple saying, I don't understand I do not plotlines. It is not Logical. Logic is not needed in all situations. However, because logic is not approved to me, I cannot enjoy their events.
Our mission is take someone to his girlfriend, why we got some strange EM rare? where the couple? where our mission has gone?
Sometime we need items, But not everytime. Sometime we really need good stories and memories. If EM gives only items, please add on notice "This is EM rare Event!", I NEVER JOIN THIS KIND UNPLEASANT EVENT.
In one web forum, a message is;
EAJ Event rare value is just only 1M, YMT/Skr EM rare value is 100M, we should chose EM event.
(See http://toki.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/mmo/1310578020/222n )
Some pig like player choose your EM, That's all!
EM event supporter's support reason is the RATIO. Not stories!
I NEVER WELCOME EM to come Mizuho Shard!! When they come to Mzh, So many Pig like player comes!
Your EM make this kind Pig like players. They don't care for Stories, comunications, and so on. THEY focus only for ratio, rarelity, And Farming. One player said, he can get EM rare in Last EM event. Total 12pcs * 100M.
Good Results!
Is this an appearance for which you hope?
Die out.
I hate YMT EM and their event, The surrounding players, and THEIR UO Play.
And If you want to use UOSS as a Feedback form, I should post this kind wording in UOSS.
EM is EA's stuff, no doubt.
I send My voice their boss, You.
this message will post my personal Blog. If you reply me, I will add your voice in my blog, too.
If no reply, I will write down "No responce from EA side"
Please remind this point, Thx!
Best regards.